Special Educational Needs Consultancy for parents
Dyslexia Specialist Teacher Tutoring online

Are you struggling to navigate the mindfield that is SEND?
Are you wanting a friendly face to hold your hand and help you out?

DLA, EHCP applications, meeting support and more!

Email or call/text on 07900 868632 for a free no obligation friendly chat and quote.  

I am a SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)  private consultant offering services for parents in need of support to navigate the complex world of SEND to get the right support for your child.  I also offer a limited amount of online dyslexia tutoring as a highly trained level 5 dyslexia teacher. I am friendly and approachable. Happy to talk online, meet at yours or mine or at a coffee shop.

 I am a also practising highly experienced SENCo working in a large primary school in Hitchin, Herts with an excellent reputation for SEND support.  I hold the SEN national award, I am a dyslexia specialist teacher and hold a Masters in Education.  I am highly trained in many areas of SEND.  I also have an autistic child with an EHCP and complex needs and negotiate the SEND world as a parent as well, so I get it.

I provide bespoke support which includes:

- advisory support for parents.  This can be anything from parenting support, signposting to writing EHC assessment requests and supporting with paperwork such as DLA requests other bespoke requests like tribunals or meeting support and guidance - just ask!  

- Dyslexia specialist tutoring - for children with literacy and/or maths difficulties

- advisory support for SENCOs and/or schools - particular focus on literacy support and autism strategies.

- Training sessions for schools on any area of SEND - please contact me for further details.

- I am highly trained in autism with a particular focus on PDA and can support with strategies and resources. 

Site last updated February 2023

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